Where can I book tickets to travel on the Churnet Valley Railway?
That’s easy - just visit the CVR website at churnetvalleyrailway.co.uk, or 'phone their booking office on 01538 360522.
Why does the CVR need charitable support? Isn’t the ticket money enough?
This is one of the most often asked questions, especially when the railway takes in a healthy income from ticket sales and secondary spend such as the tearoom and shop. The fact is that while this income does indeed cover day-to-day running costs, a great deal more funding is needed to pay for the immense and never-ending task of maintaining and restoring everything else. Which is where the NSRC come into play.
The primary goal of the NSRC is to enhance the visitor experience on the Churnet Valley Railway, be it through a programmed event or ensuring facilities are available for use. This can be from a simple display on the railway, to assisting with a full overhaul of a vehicle to ensure it is ready for service.
And this is precisely why the NSRC was created; to help fund restoration and maintenance projects, to help arrest the decline of heritage engineering skills and to safeguard the long-term future and operational capability of the railway. As well as seeking donations from individuals and companies, the charity makes applications to various organisations and grant-making bodies, such as the National Lottery Heritage Fund, for the substantial sums that are required to meet the ongoing restoration needs of infrastructure and stock.
How does the NSRC help the Churnet Valley Railway?
Our main focus is with the provision of grants to assist with developments that support the NSRC's charitable aims. These grants can come direct from our own resources, or from an outside funder who is willing to support us in achieving our goals.
Further we assist in the recruitment and provision of volunteers for the multiple departments that form the CVR. Skilled or unskilled, novice and expert, the range of skills our volunteers hold is enviable and there are very few challenges we are unable to overcome.
Finally we also work with supporters wishing to leave a final legacy to the railway in their will, from planning in advance to implementing any last requests made of ourselves.
Which projects has the NSRC assisted with?
In 2020 alone the NSRC has generated over £12,000 for the purchase of additional rolling stock that will be used as part of the expansion into Leek.
I love the railway; how can I support the NSRC?
The easiest way is to donate online. You can either make a single donation or set up a regular gift.
Perhaps you would consider leaving the NSRC a gift in your will? Many people support us by making a donation in memory of a loved one, or by choosing to request donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral.
What’s the benefit of donating to the railway through the NSRC?
Because the NSRC has charitable status, if you’re a taxpayer and donate to the railway through us, we can claim back Gift Aid from HMRC. This means that for every £10 you donate, we can claim a further £2.50 from HMRC. It costs you nothing extra but adds considerably to the value of your donation.
If you’re considering leaving a legacy to the NSRC, there may be Inheritance Tax benefits to your estate. If you wish for further information please feel free to contact us..
Who else does the NSRC get help from?
Companies may be able to set their membership payments against Corporation Tax.
Who runs the NSRC?
Please see our who's who guide to our Board of Directors and our team members.
I don't know anything about railways, can I still join?
Nowhere does it say you need to know the ins/outs of railways, and no-one will force you to learn such. Many of our members join to learn of the cultural and social history, as much as the railway side of our function. Our volunteers have often commented upon the family feel to the various departments.
Everything looks big and heavy, is there something for me to do?
Whilst a lot of our collection may look imposing, when you get up close you will soon see how everything can be broken down. There is always something lightweight that can be accomplished, and help in completing the overall goal of providing one of the finest heritage railways in the country.
Do you offer overnight accommodation?
Unfortunately we do not have any overnight facilities for staff, though there are a small number of B&Bs and hotels nearby and in Leek.
I’ve got a question that’s not been answered here – what should I do?
Please drop us an email and we’ll do our best to answer your query.