Tony Beresford Collection
(3 years ago) NSRC News Posted by Andy Sollis
NSRC gifted selection of images from the 1980s
The NSRC is happy to announce an addition to its archive collection, following a chance discussion unveiled their existence.
A member of the NSRC was recently making enquiries regarding operations around Leek Brook Junction, when they were put into contact with Tony Beresford. Tony used to take photographs of rail activities around North Staffordshire, and found himself visiting Leek Brook signal box on more than one occasion.
Over the years he has created a fascinating collection of photographs showcasing the line throughout the 1980s, and he has very kindly donated a sample of his collection for display in order to ensure the memories of his visits are not lost forever. There is a variety of workings noted, both to Cauldon and Oakamoor, with the prize image being between a Class 40 seen taking a sand train from Leek Brook to Stoke, or CVR resident 25322 shunting an empty sand train at the Junction!
To view the full collection please click on the link below:
Tony Beresford Collection - North Staffordshire Railway Co. (1978) Ltd.